On the Soul & Spirit
On Stoicism & Habits
Meaningful Memoirs
(some c-bag specific)
Ceramics by Jono Pandolfi | middle images shot at Aro Ha
On the Soul & Spirit
This book was defining for me, a before and after my life is different-sort of defining. He defines the first half of life, the second, and how to gracefully transition. Any talk by Richard Rohr is worth listening to as well.
Like Richard Rohr, a teacher on a transition, grace, nowness, and compassion that packs a punch.
Nobody quite tells it like it is so plainly like Tony De Mello. His book Awareness is equal to this one as well. Basically, you never have a reason to be upset and nothing matters but now. Simple.
I read this book the first time over 25 years ago and have read it every few years since. As advertised, it’s the path to being a warrior but not as defined how you’d expect.
Much like Trungpa, Pema is a lifelong friend. It’s not IF things will fall apart but WHEN, so this is great place to steady yourself.
I came late to Sue Monk Kidd and now I cannot get enough. I was flailing with the stillness during the pandemic and sought out books on how to get better at waiting. I read many books, but I came back to hers the most. *Disclaimer: If you have difficultly with “God” or are triggered by religious language, it would serve you to use your own word and not throw the baby out with the bathwater on this one
On Stoicism & Habits
If I could have dinner with 5 people past or present, Marcus would be there. This book is one big highlight. I recommend this specific translation and yes, read the introduction. It’s worth it.
AND Obstacle is the Way by Ryan as well. Both should be essential reading for all people in their 20’s and are amongst my most gifted books. Practice advice from ancient stoics on the Middle Way.
A big book filled with concise interviews with people at the top of their field across a vast array of fields. Read one person a day. Skip those you’re not into. Pick up some nugs.
This is the only habit book that I’d actually recommend to others (okay, maybe BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits). It’s packed with wisdom, as is James’ weekly newsletter that I’d highly recommend subscribing to.
Meaningful Memoirs
(some c-bag specific)
At 22, Sulieka is on the way up when she learns she had leukimia. Heartbreaking, sometimes difficult to read, I have found horrors and solice and above all hope in this book that is masterfully written and as honest as it comes. Her TED talk is an essential to watch as well.
On of my favorite comedians who turned a mind-bending 3 month period of her life where she lost her BFF mom, got C-Diff, went through a breakup, and then found out she had cancer into one of the best stand-up sets, documentaries, and books on cancer out there. It has a happy ending.
It was her TED talk on how she navigated a grim cancer diagnosis that immediately made me pick up her book and now I’m sharing it with everyone I can. A quick read, interesting and sad - as the c-bag is.
I am a Glennon Doyle superfan. Her and Elizabeth Gilbert both hit my female heart right where it bleeds.
When I quit drinking for good in 2018, Russell’s book had just came out and it was the humorous madness I needed to keep me sober in those early years. Look, Russell is…a lot. But I happen to like a lot, thank you very much and have so much to thank Russell for in this book.
Ceramics by Jono Pandolfi | middle images shot at Aro Ha