Daily questions for writing, thinking, and conversation.


Working in retail sales for most of my life, questions have been my bread and butter. The more you know about someone, the more deeply you can connect with them and, well, the more shit you can sell them. Over time my relationship to thinking of and asking questions has shifted from a necessary means to make money to an essential way to connect to my true self and the truth in others. It’s a m’fing sport around our house now. You can follow along on my Instagram stories by clicking below to see them (most) every day and the most recent questions are listed below.


What is the perfect name for a chicken?

Do you allow the opinions of others hold you hostage from your own intuition and/or peace?

What is your art?

Do you have a drive to be special? What would it satisfy in you?

What would you name this season of your life?

Do you need to be softened or hardened?

You are going to prison and can only take one book with you. What do you take?

Would you want to be famous? Why/why not? If yes, famous for what?

What and where is the most memorable roadside attraction you’ve visited?

What are the qualities of your ideal neighbor?

Describe your perfect Friday night as a 10-year-old.

What part of nature were you raised by?

Where is your favorite area of light in your living space? What makes it your favorite?

What is the most profound, important thing you have won your freedom from? What still needs to be set free?

How do you define the act of having faith?

What qualities of yourself that you love come from your father or father figure?

What does the first crisp, cool, fall-like day get you excited for?

When do you feel the most loved?

What would be the 3 places on your shortlist to move to? Why?

How would life change if you quit all social media today?

What is the thing that just the thought of it will get you rolling in laughter?

You have a week vacation at your house with no Internet, TV, phone, computer. What do your days look like?

What and where is the most memorable roadside attraction you’ve ever visited?

When you visit a new place, how do you best like to explore it?

What tiny nook in your house in your favorite? Why?

What does the voice in your head sound like? Does it change based on anything?

What do you find yourself saying sorry the most about?

Encapsulate your daily, aspirational mindset for living in <5 words

How do you punish yourself for your imperfections?

What are the details of a vivid memory you have of a teacher?

Would you rather be really smart or really funny?

What new beginning is today bringing with it?

What do you find yourself noticing most in the day?

What is the difference beween responding and reacting?

What is a choice you made that was best for you but was unpopular or discouraged by others in your life?

You have a robot designed to tend to one thing in your life. What is it programmed to do?

Who is the most challenging person you’ve ever won over? What did it teach you?

What were you rewarded for as a child? What was the message, to “be like THIS”?

Are you treating yourself, your life, more as the wolf or the shepherd?

What if there was no finish line?

Would you rather have the head the size of a baseball or the size of a watermelon?

If you had to hang one band’s poster on your living room wall today, which one would it be?

How you see is what you see.  Truth? Why/why not?

How do you balance all your desires and planning for the future while staying present and at ease with exactly where and who you are now?

What is something new you’d want to learn not for any practical reason but just for nurturing your inner artist?

What is the difference between distraction and avoidance?

Who would you rather have seen perform in their prime: David Bowie or Prince?

What was your favorite way to play as a kid?

Are your pets more like friends, roommates, or children?

If you had a book of answers in your life right now, what would you ask it to tell you?

What is the difference between being a good person and seeming like a good person so people (yourself included) will approve of you.

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.” Agree?

Is there any music/song that immediately makes you want to eat a certain food(s)? What is it?

What do you want to let go, to leave behind? Make the list. Burn it. Be done.

What is the way you most effortlessly express joy?